
Stronghold kingdoms best research path
Stronghold kingdoms best research path

stronghold kingdoms best research path stronghold kingdoms best research path

uplands, lowlands, inland waterbodies and streams), coastline (e.g. Bird disturbance distances were recorded in a wide range of environments including inland sites (e.g. All potential sources of human disturbance referenced in the literature were included in the review. NatureScot commissioned MacArthur Green to undertake a literature review to identify distances at which disturbance could be caused by human related activities to a number of protected UK bird species present in Scotland during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons.

#Stronghold kingdoms best research path update#

The aim of the current report is to update disturbance distances for species presented in Ruddock and Whitfield (2007) as well as to provide disturbance distance information for a range of additional protected bird species that regularly feature in Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) but were not included in Ruddock and Whitfield (2007). However, since the 2007 publication, new disturbance response information in relation to human activity has become available. Since 2007, Scottish Natural Heritage (now NatureScot) have referred to bird disturbance distance information presented in Ruddock and Whitfield (2007) to provide advice and guidance relating to casework involving human disturbance and protected bird species present in Scotland. Human disturbance bird behaviour Flight Initiation Distance Alert Distance Minimum Approach Distance Buffer zones. ​​​​​​​Recommendations for further research.European nightjar, Caprimulgus europaeus.Red-necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus.Eurasian oystercatcher, Haematopus ostralegus.White-tailed eagle, Haliaeetus albicilla.​​​​​​​White-fronted goose, Anser albifrons.Likely sensitivity to disturbance, quality of quantitative information and buffer zone suggestion.Ecology and non-quantitative information on disturbance responses.Assessing the quality of disturbance response distances.Bird species potentially affected by human disturbance.Definition of disturbance response (AD/FID).Habituation and other factors influencing disturbance distance.Potential impact pathways causing bird disturbance.

Stronghold kingdoms best research path